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Lia began her career in New York where she was lucky enough to perform at some of the great downtown theatre stalwarts, usually in
exchange for a metrocard and a cheese plate. That’s also where she started writing plays, and eventually short films and eventually (her sweet spot) half-hour comedies. From NY she moved to LA where her scripts for television have been finalists for the CBS Writer’s Mentorship Program, Scriptapalooza, and twice for the Austin Film Festival.

Mimi Karsh is a triple threat; writer/actress/dancer. She likes to think she can sing, too, but that’s debatable. She has worked steadily in tv/film for over 20 years, with her dance work eventually leading to a career in choreography. Eight years ago, she fell in love with pole dancing, and that passion turned into a spark of an idea for a tv show, which turned into a writing partnership with her BFF, Lia.

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